When it comes to HR, so many small business owners have a ‘meh not important’ opinion. It’s true that it can seem way down on the list of priorities when there is actual work and clients and stock and cash flow and logistics and every other single thing needs to be done in business… usually by you!
But what happens when things go wrong?
The person that you really need to get your stock out the door comes in at irregular times, the new person that you took so long to hire and ensure you had the right person, leaves after just 3 weeks in the company, or you are really busy and your team are packing up at quarter to five, ready to skip out the door, the minute that hand ticks over to 5pm.

If you want to have control over the Culture within your business, the solution can be as simple ascreating business foundations that communicate your performance standards and expectations of behaviour. Ask yourself; as a business owner, how can you automate processes, manage and performance manage if you haven’t set any benchmarks?When things start to go wrong and frustrations rise, what documents do you have in place that agree how you will move forward? When a team member does something that puts your business at risk, what do you have in place to hold them accountable for their actions?
Of all the processes and tools that we create for businesses, here are the top three, that we recommend every business owner implement to communicate ‘how we do things around here’ to ensure that they alone, are in control of their own success, direction and growth:
- Recruitment process – ‘feeling good’ about the person you are hiring, is a sure-fire way to get it wrong. To ensure that you hire the right person for the right role, that is the right FIT for your business, create standard hiring documents that sees you hiring to set selection criteria to help you take the emotion out of your process. For every hire we recommend a standard process designed once and used every time, including: selection matrix, telephone screen, interview guide and reference form all tailored to the skills and attitude of the person you want
- Induction process – probation, induction, appraisal….it can feel overwhelming with everything you ‘should’ be doing. The consequence of not bringing someone ‘properly’ into your business however, is that not only could they feel unsure the role is what was promised and leave, they could have completely mis-interpreted you and the organization, take instruction from the wrong person in your business and stay! We take the struggle out of this process and recommend just one meeting, once a month and the rest can be delegated. That’s it!
- One to ones – ‘But we talk 10 times a day’ is a common statement I hear and yet so many business owners have no idea what motivates the individuals of their team to come to work every day. Worse still, when I speak to team members, most have no idea what their real purpose is, or how they or their role is connected to the organizational goals. For business foundations like one to ones, appraisals, monthly meetings etc, we advise automating your process so that you can take advantage of simple templates, and a duplicable process that works
Like you, we believe your time is better spent in growing your business, than creating documents. As business consultants, we would MUCH rather spend our time, working with you to engage your team and meet your strategic objectives.
Let us help you create a system you need, it started with Discovery Call – click here to book online.